When it comes to using recruiters, who you choose to build a relationship with can make a huge difference to your success; an obvious statement that runs true for both job seekers and employers alike.

Pick a generalist and you are job opportunity could end up scattered all across the internet, by recruiters that apply a broad ‘throw at a wall approach’, hoping something will stick. Either that or skills and experience requirements will simply be misunderstood or misrepresented, seeing you receive applicants that are entirely unsuitable.

Whilst this technique can work for less demanding jobs where candidates are available in abundance, it’s not a suitable option when attempting to fill positions urgently - or secure people with niche skill sets for difficult roles.

Although it is possible to achieve hiring success with internal HR teams, often hiring costs and time requirements make this an unfavourable option, or the expertise of a specialist is needed to partner the internal specialist. It’s at this point ‘search and selection’ recruitment agencies step in.

A ‘search and selection’ recruiter meticulously sources only the highest quality talent for their niche vertical - accurately selecting and screening the most suitable candidates, before submitting them to a client.

At Caspian One, this is the model of recruitment our consultants provide. Below we discuss what this means to us; explaining how ‘search and selection’ recruiters operate and the advantages of this particular recruitment strategy.

Meticulously sources only the highest quality talent for their niche vertical

At Caspian One, each of our consultants is responsible for a specific vertical and/or collection of technologies. For example, one recruiter may source C# .net engineers for top tier Investment Banks and Hedge Funds, whilst another specialises in placing only KDB developers into the global FinTech market.

As a result of this singular focus, the networks each of our consultants have developed contain niche candidates normally not easily identifiable; which also provides access to an even larger pool of potential talent, through associative recruitment techniques.

For example, recruiters are able to utilise these networks along with headhunting practices to research potential targets, connect with them and establish a respectful initial rapport – even when attempting to engage with passive candidates, not actively looking for new opportunities.

This approach has also enabled our consultants to obtain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of their individual verticals. That’s not to say we can code to the same level as a veteran JavaScript Engineer (we won’t be stealing candidate jobs anytime soon). What it does mean however, is we can talk to people about the skills they’ve obtained, their experiences and their career aspirations to a technically high standard - with an understanding and appreciation of their personal requirements.

Accurately selecting and screening the most suitable candidates, before submitting them to a client

The main benefit of working with search and selection recruiters, is that you gain access to both their carefully crafted professional networks - and their experienced evaluative skills.

At Caspian One 60% of our consultants have been with the business for 3+ years. We have a skill-share business culture in-which senior consultants directly support newer team members. Plus, we’re work with external training providers and regularly bring in FinTech industry influencers, ensuring our collective knowledge is always expanding.

This means that once we’ve understood a client’s real hiring needs and have sourced a collection of potentially suitable candidates, we are then able to pass them through a highly refined screening process; filtering people not just by the job description given, but also factors like true experience, career aspirations and cultural business fit.

These techniques are advantageous to both clients and candidates. Businesses are confident that their wants have been listened to and met, whilst the people we place often remain employed long term as the new job also suits their demands.

This is a vital skill for any search and selection agency, as although it is clients who pay for us to source new hires - attracting the most talented individuals to our network requires us regularly demonstrating an ability to, with honesty and integrity, support the career needs of FinTech professionals.

In summary, ‘search and selection’ recruitment is the practice of accurately sourcing candidates for businesses, when roles may have urgent demands, be difficult to fill, may require niche skills or certain skills that are in high industry demand.

It requires a refined approach and an in-depth understanding of real hiring expectations, and as a result, can help clients avoid the cost of bad hiring practices.

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